Napier City Rovers Juniors

Learn - Practice - Improve
​​​​​​​Napier City Rovers Juniors section is for boys and girls from five years old upwards. The philosophy of the NCR's junior coaches is to develop the football skills and techniques of the young players in a fun and safe environment. Coaches at NCR will be fully focussed on the player with player development being an integral part of their role.Developmental phases of Junior football

  • Learn technical and tactical aspects of the game
  • Introducing the “competition“ aspect of club football with an even bigger focus on learning and developing skills in a risk free, enjoyable environment. 

The junior programme at Napier City Rovers follows New Zealands Junior Framework:

The New Zealand Junior Framework provides a consistent, coordinated national approach to the development of junior players. Its main aim is to provide all junior players with high quality football experiences that increase both skill levels and the passion for playing football. Through the Junior Framework players will experience age appropriate football games and coaching in a programme that is specifically tailored to meet their football wants and needs. Through standardised playing formats, clear outcomes and training recommendations for each stage of a players development, alignment will be achieved across New Zealand in  Junior Football as well as increased support for volunteer coaches. The importance of the  Junior Framework cannot be underestimated. Implemented with commitment at all levels, it will ensure the experience provided at the grassroots leaves Kiwi kids enthused, technically competent and in love with our game.

For more details please contact our Operations Manager Will Stanger at admin@cityrovers.co.nz

2025 Junior Registrations Open January!

Registration queries, or to find out about opportunities at Napier City Rovers contact our team of Junior Coordinators at juniors@cityrovers.co.nz