Christmas Party

Its Christmas time…. well nearly. The Club Christmas party will be held on the 17th of December and this year we are running a fundraiser for long serving player Fergus Neil and his family. 


“Ardie James Neil, son of Fergus and Julia was born on November 12th at just 27 weeks, 13 weeks prior to his due date in February 2024. Ardie was flown to Wellington Hospital for urgent care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. If all goes well, he is likely to be transferred to Hawke’s Bay Hospital in the coming weeks where he’ll stay until deemed healthy enough to head home with the Neil family.”


We will have a photo booth set up to capture a photo with Santa for $10 and all proceeds made from this will go to Fergus, Julia and baby Ardie. There will also be a donation box at the bar.


Junior Christmas Party Starts at 2pm with a sausage sizzle and other goodies available and Santa arriving around 2:30pm. 

Adult Christmas Party starts from 4pm.

We hope to see you all there for what will be a great afternoon of Christmas fun. 

Article added: Wednesday 22 November 2023


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